Becoming multilingual in German and Rust
I enjoy learning new technologies and programming paradigms and languages. I always have. And it's something that I've had less time to do over the past several years.
In 2020, I switched roles away from my position on the Fedora Infrastructure team and into a more developer-oriented role on the Ansible team. When I did that, something unfortunate that happened without me even realizing until much later was that I committed less time to my side projects. You could almost say that I burned out: I was writing code for work, so I felt less need to experiment with it off the clock.
In practice, this had some unfortunate ramifications. Above all, it meant that I fell a bit behind on new languages and stacks that weren't used in my dayjob work. And now it's my goal to back-fill some of that knowledge and experience.
In late 2023, I moved to Germany, and learning German has been a process for me, ever since. Before my move, I learned about the online reading platform LingQ and began using it rather extensively.
What is LingQ?
LingQ is a platform for language-learning that lets you import books, articles, and other kinds of media to read. It will track which words you've seen before, which words you know, and how well you know them (self-graded). As you come across new words, it will show definitions that other users have added for that word, or allow you to look up the definition and add your own.
Although it has its fair share of issues, outages, and downtimes, which I could talk about at length, I've nevertheless found it the best platform for this sort of thing, and I have to give it credit: My German would not be where it is right now, without having used it.
Automating Importing Content into LingQ
My first attempt
Somewhere along the way, I developed a fairly extensive Python toolset for importing content into LingQ. I never open-sourced it, for a number of reasons -- not the least of which, it was hacked together and never meant to become the monster it became. The toolset handled a number of cases:
- First, I wanted to be able to import "syndicated content" automatically into LingQ. Things like podcasts, YouTube videos from creators that I enjoy, even daily news articles from sites like Nachrichten Leicht.
- I also wanted to be able to import random articles or videos I found. (LingQ has a browser extension for doing this; I wanted something more general that I could use for local content, too).
Over time, this Python toolset I built up became fairly heavy-handed. It did a lot. And over all, it worked well, but it be became harder to maintain. The usecases and scope grew over time.
For example: When you import audio content into LingQ, it can use AI to transcribe the content to generate LingQ lessons. Pretty neat, and overall, it almost works well, but it doesn't make any effort to split up the text into paragraphs based on who was speaking, which was something that annoyed me. So my Python toolchain grew the ability to send audio content to OpenAI's Whisper API, take that response, feed it to a text generation model to massage it a bit to make it more readable instead of just being a giant text blob, and upload that transcript instead.
Most of the media downloading was ultimately powered by the amazing yt-dlp project. When you have a link to some media (be it YouTube, an mp3, or some video on some news side), there's a good chance that yt-dlp will know how to grab that media.
The Python code was fine. It ran in GitHub Actions for a long time, on a schedule. But because it grew in scope so much, it became hard to maintain, and it was time to redesign it.
So. I had a new side project. And by now, I had realized and acknowledged that I needed to learn some new tools and start branching out again instead of just focusing on the dayjob stack. So?
Cut-to: Rust
I made the decision to start learning the Rust language. Rust is extremely interesting to me as someone who enjoys delving into type systems and programming language design. Rust solves entire classes of memory-related bugs due to its type and lifetime systems. I believe it has a lot of really neat ideas plus a very active community. I've tinkered with it before, but never to any serious degree, and it was time.
Ultimately, what I wanted first and foremost was a system that would let me specify different "media feeds" and import the latest content from them into LingQ, in whatever way made sense for that specific feed. LingQ is broken into specific "courses" each with an ID, so each feed will import "lessons" into a specific course.
LingQ has a page that will generate an account API key, but the API is largely undocumented. Understanding the API took a fair bit of reverse engineering, which is perhaps best saved for another post. But suffice it to say, between examining what the site itself does when a lesson is created (by watching the browser inspector), and decompressing the "official" LingQ browser extension, I was able to understand the endpoints enough to do what I needed to do, which was just to import lessons and get a list of existing lessons.
Here's what I wanted at a high level:
graph LR A[lqcli] subgraph "GET Syndication Feeds" B[Podcast ...] C[YouTuber ...] end A --> B A --> C F[Process each feed] --> G[Upload new episodes as lessons to LingQ if necessary] B --> F C --> F
Feed Processing
What does processing each feed look like? Well, we know that we don't want to upload a lesson if we've already uploaded one. We could keep track of that state locally somehow, but I wanted this thing to work in Github Actions (or any other kind of automation pipeline) and not have to worry about that. Besides, LingQ knows which lessons it has. So we can just ask it. We can get a list of lessons (episodes, in our case) in each course, and just compare the names. Sure, if an episode gets renamed, it'll get uploaded again -- but in practice this is very rare.
Now, for some sources, we can rely on the built-in LingQ transcription, as mentioned earlier. But for some, we want to run it through Whisper ourselves, so that we can do some post-processing on it to clean it up a bit before we turn it into a LingQ lesson. The feed processing ends up looking like this:
- Query LingQ for existing lessons in the relevant course for the feed
- Parse the latest N entries (episodes) from the feed
- Compare those N entries against the latest N lessons in the LingQ course
- If we find a match, we're done, move to the next episode
- If not, then we need to import a lesson:
- Download the media (usually via
, but other "fetchers" could be added to the code and referenced in config) - (Optionally) Send the audio to OpenAI to get a transcript
- Perhaps in the future, be able to run Whisper locally
- (If we did transcript in the last step) post-process the transcription to make it look pretty
- Take the audio, and the transcript if we have one, and upload it as a lesson.
- Download the media (usually via
Well, that's relatively easy enough for the common case. There are other cases that this doesn't handle, that the Python code does already handle. For example, the amazing Easy German Podcast publishes transcripts for members -- and these transcripts are much better than anything Whisper can come up with; they are already pre-tagged with the speaker and everything! So being able to download the archive that includes those transcripts and pull out the appropriate one is kind of an edge-case that would be nice to have. Not necessary, but something the Python code does and that would be good to port to the Rust version in the future.
Where lqcli
stands right now
All of this is still very much a work in progress. The code is on GitHub, but is not nearly complete yet. In fact, being one of my first ever Rust projects, it's quite messy, and I find myself refactoring it each time I work on it. But this is part of the fun, for me, and most importantly, part of the learning process.
Let's talk about what currently works.
Config file parsing
It will look for a config file in ~/.lqcli.toml
where you can define your
LingQ API key, your OpenAI API key, and your sources (feeds) for importing and
Here's a brief view of what my config file looks like:
= "..."
= "..."
= "yt-dlp"
= "14 Minuten"
= ""
= 1760029
= "de"
= ["daily"]
= "openai"
= ""
= 1328855
= "de"
= ["daily"]
= "Easy German"
= ""
= 1328855
= "de"
= "Super Easy German"
= ["daily"]
# ...
The first source I list (the awesome "14 Minuten"
podcast for German learners) is a somewhat "full" example. The default
(and indeed, only, at this point in time) download_method
is yt-dlp
specifying it is unnecessary, but it's there as an example. Similar for
, the tool will transcribe media (using OpenAI) by default.
The tags
feature is a feature that I added fairly early on - it does not exist
in the Python version, and it's something I wanted. The main purpose is that I
want to be able to specify when certain feeds get checked. Let's say that I
run lqcli
in automation every 6 hours. There is no point in checking a feed
that I know will only release content at most once per day. So having the
feeds tagged, means I can schedule how lqcli
is run (in automation) and have
one automation that runs daily (passing --tags daily
to only check those), and
another automation that runs every 6 hours (passing --tags 6hours
or whatever
I choose to call the tag).
Argument and Subcommand Parsing
Using clap to parse subcommands and arguments was downright fun. What a cool crate! It provides not only a builder-style DSL for creating command argument parsers, but also a way to simply specify the command hierarchy as logical types (structs and enums) and derive traits and use macros to configure the behavior of the parser right in-line with the type definition. The doc comments become the help text for the commands and flags.
In lqcli
I opted for the derive method and my code ended up looking like this:
/// Command-line interface to import content into language-learning platforms
/// such as LingQ.
// ...
There is more to it than this, but this gives you an idea of how clap
works. The clap
documentation (linked above) is amazing and they have plenty
of examples in their source repository.
Using clap
also gave us an awesome -h/--help
system for free.
Checking LingQ and Asking for Lessons
The next bit that already works is using the reqwest crate to query LingQ and ask for a list of lessons in a given course (by using the course ID number).
Creating a LingQ Lesson In a Course
Extending on the above, it was easy enough to also add a method for creating a
lesson in LingQ. I made a light abstraction over
so that we could create a client and store that in some struct instance and
re-use it. It also handles things like setting up the required Authorization
header for authenticating to the LingQ API.
Getting a Transcript from OpenAI Whisper and Tweaking It
Using async-openai, I am able to send audio data to OpenAI and get a transcript back in German. I am then able to send it back to OpenAI and ask it to format it in a reasonable way.
With these bits alone, I was able to implement a few subcommands:
lqcli transcribe
This is a command I added primarily to test the OpenAI transcription
functionality, but have found it useful enough to leave it as a command. It
takes a URL to some media file, downloads it (using yt-dlp
by default,
overridable with an argument), then sends the downloaded audio data to OpenAI to
transcribe it and post-process it before dumping out the transcription to
standard out. It's basic, but it works. Currently, there's no way to override
the post-process prompt in this command.
lqcli sources sync [-t TAG]
This command is what will actually do the work of importing episodes that need
to be imported into LingQ. Right now, it is capable of telling you which
episodes need to be imported, but it doesn't actually do the full workflow
yet. It's close, though. Filtering by tag (-t
) does work.
lqcli adhoc
This command imports an arbitrary piece of media at some URL, into LingQ. It
doesn't currently handle local media (this is planned) - it expects media to
come from a URL. You pass in the URL to the media, a title, the language code
and the LingQ course ID, and it will do the rest: Download, transcribe,
post-process the transcription, upload everything to LingQ. Optionally pass -s
to skip transcription and let LingQ transcribe the content itself.
Thoughts and What I've Learned
So there is still some work to do to finish up this project. It's rather niche,
so I'm not sure anyone other than me will find it useful, but it's been a great
project to learn Rust. I got hands on experience not only with Rust itself, but
also with some really popular and cool libraries, like clap
and reqwest
, and
it's conducive to two of my current goals: learning Rust and learning German.
There are also some possible places to take this project to learn some more. For
example, we could make requests concurrently, getting to play more with Rust's
But for now, it gave me a cool project to use to start learning Rust. And I'm glad for that: I'm really, really enjoying Rust so far.
I've learned quite a bit about Rust through this project, though it's really only scratching the surface and I'm excited to learn much more. In addition to the more uninteresting bits (like getting more familiar with the syntax of Rust), I got to learn about borrowing and (indirectly) about lifetimes. I got to learn about the different representations of strings (which I had learned about in the Rust book but, being a hands-on learner, it didn't really click until I got to play with them first-hand.
I got to learn about project structure in Rust, how modules work. I got to learn
about formatting and linting tools like rustfmt
and clippy
and about how to
get a good development flow going for Rust in emacs. And of course, I got to
learn how much I still have to learn.
Largely, I just got (ever slightly) more comfortable with Rust and its ecosystem and wrote some real code for a real project, because that's how I learn best. And it was fun.